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Pensar Enfermagem / v.27 n.01 / april 2023
DOI: 10.56732/pensarenf.v27i1.212
Quantitative Original Article
How to cite this article: Carvalho J, Aguiar P. Nurses adverse events report adding safety to pediatric
nursing. Pensar Enf [Internet]. 2023 Apr; 27(1):30-36. Available from:
Nurses adverse events report adding safety to
pediatric nursing
Adverse Events remain a current challenge in healthcare, being defined as incidents that
resulted in unnecessary harm to the patient. The choice of the pediatric population the
object of this study is based on certain characteristics making it the most susceptible to
Adverse Events. Reporting them is a key action of the strategy to reduce its occurrence,
while Nurses remain essential elements to the process. The ultimate goal is Patient Safety,
the reduction of the risk of unnecessary healthcare-related harm to an acceptable minimum.
Describe Nurses’ Adherence to Adverse Events Reporting and the Factors associated with
it in a Pediatric setting.
A Cross-sectional Observational Study is presented, based on a survey conducted in the
Pediatrics Department of a hospital. The study included 88 categorical variables, related to
respondents' perception of Adverse Events, Errors, Incidents and Patient Safety.
Univariable, bivariable, and correlation analysis were used.
A total of 69% of nurses did not report any Adverse Event in 2019. The events more
frequently reported were those with the most serious consequences for the patients (54%)
and those related to organizational dysfunctions of the institution (74-90%). Factors which
facilitate the occurrence of Adverse Events include the lack of human resources (19%),
communication failures and overtime (17%), and the main barrier to Reporting is forgetting
to do so when there is a greater workload (63%).
A low percentage of reporting related to nurses’ adherence to adverse events was found in
this investigation. This highlighted the need to invest in the institution’s Safety Culture by
enhancing healthcare professionals’ awareness of the importance of their role in improving
Patient Safety. Integrating notification into the daily practice of professionals, using
continuous awareness enhancement, strengthening multidisciplinary teams, investing in
communication and down grading workload is essential and can facilitate improvement.
Patient Safety; Risk Management; Quality Improvement; Adverse Event; Medical Error;
Pediatric Nursing.
Joana Isabel Cordeiro e Carvalho1
Pedro Aguiar2
1Master. Neonatology Unit. Department of Pediatrics.
Santa Maria Hospital. University Hospital Centre,
Lisbon North
2PhD. National School of Public Health - Nova
University Lisbon. Comprehensive Health Research
Centre Nova University Lisbon. Public Health
Research Centre - Nova University Lisbon.
Corresponding author:
Joana Carvalho
E-mail: joanaisabelecarvalho@gmail.com
Received: 13.11.2022
Accepted: 16.03.2023
Pensar Enfermagem / v.27 n.01 / april 2023 | 31
DOI: 10.56732/pensarenf.v27i1.212
Quantitative Original Article
Adverse Events (AE), defined as incidents that resulted in
unnecessary harm to the patient,1 remain a serious Public
Health problem.2 They occur in hospital, primary health care
and long-term care settings.3 Regardless of context, they
affect patients and their family, have direct consequences in
professional, organizational, economic, and social levels,
leading to a lack of trust in health providers and
organizations where they occur.3-4
Errors or AE in healthcare aren’t new, going back more than
150 years, when the first records were collected by Florence
Nightingale in the Crimean War.5 Several figures intervened
and promoted Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, as
highlighted by Ernest Codman, Avedis Donabedian and the
Institute of Medicine.5-10 A journey with a single purpose:
harmless, timely, and undelayed care, based on evidence and
guidelines, for all patients, responding to their individual and
specific needs.11
However, it is unequivocal that the scientific-technological
evolution, which allows advances in medicine, generates
situations leading to Errors and AE. Thus, it becomes
necessary to implement strategies to avoid and minimize
these situations.
Reporting potentially dangerous situations for the patient,
Near Misses, Errors and AE is a strong strategy in ensuring
Patient Safety.12-13 Reporting generates awareness of an
event with a negative impact on the patient, causing certain
harmful consequences, of the factors leading to this event,
and of the strategies that can be identified and adopted to
avoid it.14 With the collected data, it is possible to build
databases for future analysis by the Risk Management Team,
but also share the information with the multidisciplinary
team and the rest of the Institution. With this information it
is possible to identify factors leading to certain events and
develop specific practices to prevent them, and other similar
situations.12-13 Thus, it contributes to build a Safety Culture
in the institution, based on trust and shared experiences,
without fear of punishment, bearing in mind Patient Safety
guidelines during their stay.10,15-16
Although health professionals are progressively more aware
of the need to Report, it still falls below expectations.17-18
Several reasons have been given to justify this low
adherence, including fear of blame, of administrative and
legal sanctions, resistance to bureaucracy, the perception
that reports have no impact on the quality of care, the lack
of organizational support, late or inadequate feedback, and
the lack of knowledge about the Adverse Events Reporting
System (AERS).17,19-21
In addition, the lack of human resources in health, both
physicians and nurses, may result in work hours and
providers function overload, leading to the reorganization
of health care practices. Professionals focus their attention
on patients and the rapid resolution of potentially dangerous
situations or Errors that may have occurred, leaving
bureaucratic issues in the background, such as AE
Reporting. We emphasize that this behavior does not favor
Patient Safety or Quality of Care in the long term because it
does not allow an anticipation of dangerous situations, nor
the context in which Errors occur, preventing it from being
repeated in the future.
On the other hand, adherence to reporting seems to depend
on the severity level of the Event, the type of Incident and
the professional.20 There is a consensus that healthcare
professionals more frequently report the most serious
events which include death (tragic harm), disability
(moderate harm) and severe harm caused to the patient,
when compared to non-harmful events or risk situations.22-
24 Nurses are identified as essential to reporting, not only
because they are on the front line of care, but also because
they spend more time with patients. Scientific evidence
shows that nurses are three times more likely to report when
compared to physicians.20
It is unanimously recognized that the pediatric population is
more susceptible to AE.25 In addition to the health
condition, due to its intrinsic characteristics, it is subjected
to complex health care, in different contexts, with multiple
players, during which it is possible to identify opportunities
for communication failures between the team, that may, in
the end, result in potentially dangerous situations for
Some of the Errors, described in the literature, that
characterize this population include: Medication and total
parenteral feeding errors; Respiratory care, resuscitation,
and ventilation errors; Invasive procedure errors and
Healthcare-Associated Infections; Patient identification
errors; Diagnostic errors;10 Breast milk errors;27-28 and
Healthcare-associated Infections.29 Medication errors are
the most prevalent and reported in the different care
In association with AE Report, several measures have been
taken to prevent the occurrence of Errors in this population,
which deserve attention: the adaptation of clinical
guidelines, use of the double-check method,33 trigger tools,9
barcode systems,30-31 among others.
In this sense it was elaborated a study which objective was
to describe Nurses’ Adherence to Adverse Events
Reporting and the Factors associated with it in a Pediatric
setting. The results confirm the interest in deepening the
problem and consequences of AE, the need to continue to
invest in Reporting, and the essential role of Nurses in the
Materials and Methods
The study was observational, cross-sectional, and
quantitative in nature, with the objective of determining
nurses' adherence to Adverse Event Reporting and the
factors associated with it, in the Pediatric Department of a
general hospital in Lisbon.
The subjects of this study were Nurses, Specialist Nurses
and Nurse Managers working in the department's services,
in a total of 192 nurses. The recruitment of participants was
performed through convenience sampling, consisting of all
nurses who were working in the period between November
2019 and January 2020. A total of 102 nurses agreed to
participate by completing the survey.
32 | Carvalho, J.
Data were collected through a survey, after permission was
granted by the author, Paula Bruno (2010), published in
“Registo de Incidentes e Eventos Adversos: Implicações
Jurídicas da Implementação em Portugal”. The survey
includes 13 closed questions, distributed into two groups:
Characterization of the sample (questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)
and Respondents' perceptions of AE, Error, Incident
Reporting and Patient Safety (questions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
and 13). Slight changes were made to the original survey, to
adapt it to the subjects of the study, without altering its
characteristics. The survey was chosen because it assessed
the reporting of adverse events by health professionals,
intended in this study. The survey was given to the Head
Nurses, who were responsible for delivering them
individually to each nurse under them. They were later
collected by the researcher in a sealed, unmarked envelope
to protect participants’ privacy and confidentiality.
Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the
Social Science (SPSS), version 26, with approximately 88
categorical variables. Univariable analysis, presenting
frequency distribution tables (%), bivariable analysis using
the Chi-square test for comparison of proportions and
analysis of correlations of ordinal variables using Spearman's
Correlation Coefficient were performed. Fisher's Exact Test
was used in place of the Chi-square Test for low expected
frequencies, while the 5% significance level was used in
hypothesis testing.
The research work was confidential, with guaranteed
anonymity of the data throughout the process. Participation
in the study was voluntary (without any penalty) and
anonymous. A cover sheet was attached to each survey
corresponding to the informed consent. To ensure the
anonymity and confidentiality of the information, the
consent form was separated from the rest of the survey and
placed in a separate envelope. The identity of the
participants was not known to the researcher or to any third
party, and the data remained confidential during and after
the study. The research process began with requests for
permission to conduct the study, which included the
following formal written requests: to the author of the
survey, to the Director of the Pediatrics Department, to the
Nurse Director and to the Ethics Committee of the hospital.
Consent was obtained from all the above.
This chapter presents the results obtained based on the
questionnaires applied, representing the Nurses' perception
on the questions asked.34
Table 1 - Characteristics of the Pediatric Nurses in the sample.
Variable Category
Age Group
21 a 30 years
31 a 40 years
41 a 50 years
51 a 60 years
>60 years
Years of Work
<1 year
1 a 10 years
10 a 20 years
20 a 30 years
30 a 40 years
Nurse Specialist
Nurse Manager
Unit Typology
Emergency and Intensive Care
As showed in table 1, the sample was mostly composed of
female nurses (94.1%), aged between 21 and 30 years
(32.4%). Most professionals work at the institution for 1 to
30 years (73%), and the category of 10 to 20 years is the
most prevalent, reaching 26.5% of the sample. The most
prevalent position is that of nurse (71.6%). Approximately
62.7% of the sample worked in the Emergency and
Intensive Care services, followed by the Pediatric Ward,
with 18.6%, and Ambulatory Care, with 16.7%.
When asked about the AERS, about 98% of the sample
reported knowing that the hospital has one of these systems,
but only 59.8% agreed with it. About 93.1% of the sample
knew that the hospital under study participates in
Accreditation Programs, namely the Pediatrics Department.
Pensar Enfermagem / v.27 n.01 / april 2023 | 33
DOI: 10.56732/pensarenf.v27i1.212
Quantitative Original Article
In 98% of nurses who are aware of the existence of an
AERS, 69% answered not having reported any AE in the
last year and 31% have reported at least one AE. The most
frequently reported AEs are those with more serious
consequences to the patient, such as tragic harm (58%) and
moderate harm (33%). AEs with no danger to the patient
and Near Misses are rarely reported. The service with the
highest number of AEs reported was Emergency and
Intensive Care (38%), followed by Medical Pediatrics (21%)
and Ambulatory Care (18%).
Evaluating the report according to the severity of the AE
and the nurses' characteristics (gender, age group and
position in the institution), we found that there seems to be
no statistically significant association between the frequency
of Reporting of the different events and the nurses'
With regard to the type of AEs, we found that AEs related
to organizational dysfunctions of the institution occurred
more frequently: malfunction or defect of medical
materials/devices (89%), lack of
material/clothing/equipment (82.4%), lack of clinical
material and equipment (77.5%), computer system
malfunctions (74.5%) and conflicts with the patient/family
(73.5%). Product or drug prescription errors (71.6%),
product or drug administration errors (64.7%), incorrectly
filled or illegible prescriptions (65.7%), and healthcare-
associated infections (52.9%) stand out as frequent
occurrences. One of the questions allowed us to analyze the
sample's perception regarding the AEs that occur and those
that are recorded. According to the nurses' perception, we
found that the AEs that occur more frequently are those
with a higher percentage of notification.
According to the nurses' perception, the most important
factor contributing to the occurrence of AEs was the lack of
human resources (19%), followed by communication
failures and work overload (both with 17%). The main
barrier to Reporting was forgetting to do so when there was
a heavy workload (63%).
Healthcare professionals recognize the importance of the
AE report for Patient Safety and Quality of Care
Improvement,17 as well as the need for a local and national
system for AE reporting.24 Despite 98% of the nurses
knowing that the hospital has an AERS, only 59,8% agreed
with it, which is in line with values found in other
studies.24,35 This value raises some questions, namely nurses'
understanding of the system and its adequate use, which
AEs to report, how to report and also the development of
the feedback process.
About 69% of the nurses refer that they did not report any
AE in the previous year, showing a low adherence rate.
However, it seems to us that there has been an increase in
awareness for AE Notification, since in 2011 non-adherence
was 80%18 at national level. More recent data from the
National Patient Safety Agency36 shows an increase in AE
reporting between 2013 and 2015. The observed
improvement, a small step in the long path ahead, should
safeguard the need for professionals’ training, elaboration of
strategies and institutional norms that allow the growth of a
Safety Culture.
The level of AE severity presents itself as a major factor for
Adherence to Reporting. The study data indicate that AEs
causing tragic harm (death) (58%) and moderate harm
(disability) (33%) were more frequently reported, when
compared to non-harmful events or risk situations, which
aligns with previous studies.20,22-24
The privilege of reporting serious events instead of all
situations leads to a lack of data on the real number of AEs
that occurred, restricting the prevention of potentially
dangerous situations for the patient in future care. The need
to report all types of AEs, even those that had no impact on
the patient, is imperative for the learning process to be as
useful as possible and the implemented interventions to
address the identified difficulties.12-13,37
The types of AE that occurred more frequently were related
to organizational dysfunctions of the institution,
corresponding to the results found by Bruno24 and
Martins.35 However, at the international level, the most
frequent AEs in Pediatrics are those related to
medication.10,15,30,32,38 In this study, they present high
percentages of occurrence, with product or drug
prescription errors, product or drug administration errors
and incorrectly filled or illegible prescriptions standing out.
On the other hand, according to the nurses' perception, the
AEs that occur more frequently are those with the highest
percentage of recording.
The difference in AE Reporting percentages detected
between the different services may derive from the fact that
the sample was mostly composed of nurses from the
Emergency and Intensive Care unit (62.7%) and/or because
this is one of the services with a higher propensity for the
occurrence of AEs.31
Nurses pointed out the lack of human resources followed
by communication failures and the overload of working
hours as facilitating factors for the occurrence of AEs, and
these results coincide with the literature findings. This is a
recurring situation in the health area, where the lack of
human resources remains a reality,39 leading to an increase
in the working hours and the functional overload of health
Communication is essential to ensure Patient Safety and
Quality of Care and deserves special attention. The
Portuguese General Health Direction41 calls for an effective
communication between health professionals, stating that
communication failures, with 70% of the main causes of
AEs, occur during the transition of care. Patients and family
members can be key allies of health professionals to ensure
effective and safe communication, since they are the ones
who know the clinical situation best and are able to detect
miscommunication at shift transitions.10
According to the perception of the nurses, the main reason
for missing the communication with AERS is being
forgetfulness when there is a heavy workload. Working
conditions lead to the need to reorganize the health care
provided by focusing on patients and on the quick
resolution of unexpected or unplanned situations, leaving
34 | Carvalho, J.
issues such as AE Reporting in the background. We believe
that this behavior, even if it seems the most appropriate at
the moment, will not favor Patient Safety and Quality of
Care in the long term.
In these contexts, it becomes essential to integrate AE,
Error, Near Misses and potentially dangerous situations for
the patient report into the daily practice of professionals.
The steps to be taken include continuous awareness-raising,
strengthening multidisciplinary teams, improving
communication and lightening the workload, and at the
same time, greater dissemination and accessibility to the
At the national level, we advocate greater specificity and
detail in the development of Health Policies with a view to
promote the Report of AEs in a transversal way, as a
framework and path to be followed. In terms of Risk
Management, the Report of Incidents, Adverse Events and
also Near Misses should be encouraged by all professionals,
with a view to resolving the potentially dangerous situations
identified and preventing future AEs,12-13 both for patients
and for the health professionals themselves.
At last, it's crucial to value and invest in the qualification of
professionals in Risk Management and Patient Safety, in the
elaboration of Guideline Standards, as well as the
establishment of teams with experience in AE cause analysis
and in the preventive identification of possible failures in the
To reduce errors in the pediatric setting is recommended the
use of pre-made solutions, therapeutic formulas for the
pediatric population, barcode system when administering
medication or identifying patients, development of
protocols.30-31 Peer review, clinical quality improvement and
education, staff training through simulation of clinical
situations, and the incorporation of a drug library in the
infusion pumps, with a safe dose range that alarms when the
programmed dose does not fall within this range, are also
advocated.9 The use of computerized electronic prescribing
and therapeutic dispensing systems demonstrated a
significant decrease in medication-related errors. The use of
trigger tools also seems to have a positive positive impact in
preventing AEs by increasing the detection of errors in
This research aimed to describe the adherence to adverse
event reporting in pediatrics, based on the nurses'
perception of such reporting. A future study, with more
refined specifications, may help to clarify some of the issues
raised and allow corrective measures to facilitate the AERS
The growing evolution and demand for the provision of safe
care, with minimal risk to the patient and appropriate to
their characteristics and needs, has become the motto of
health care worldwide. However, and despite the strategies
to reduce the risk and negative consequences for the patient,
the occurrence of AEs remains a reality.
Reporting of all potentially dangerous situations or
situations that have led to negative consequences,
particularly for the patient, should be instituted to avoid the
normalization and acceptance of errors as routine, as if they
were a mandatory consequence of the professionals' practice
or performance.
Nurses, as part of the frontline of health care delivery, with
a closer contact with the patient and family, can become
more aware and experienced in the recognition of situations
potentially conducive to the occurrence of Errors and AEs,
as well as in their identification, becoming more
If, on the one hand, the results obtained point to the need
to promote the institution's Safety Culture, making health
professionals aware of the importance of their role, as
individuals and as a multidisciplinary team, to improve
Patient Safety, on the other hand, we believe that nurses, as
part of the front line of care, are also frequently subjected to
AEs, which should also be reported.
We believe that the involvement of health professionals in
reporting programs adherence will be greater and stronger
if the dissemination, the access to the platform, and the
awareness of its use is implemented. As well as the
recognition of the real benefits for the patient, the
knowledge of the results and corrective measures activated,
and even the evolution and interactivity in the operation of
the system are improved. If this is understood as transversal
to health, in an integrative vision of the duties and rights
concerning the professionals themselves, they will be more
aware and motivated to individual and group participation.
One limitation of the study was the time gap between data
collection and dissemination, because it is the result of a
Master’s Thesis. Even so, it’s considered important to
summarize and share this work due to the clear implications
for nursing practice, for patients’ benefit, and for the quality
and safety of health care improvement.
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