Vol. 19 No. 1 (2015): Journal of Nursing Pensar Enfermagem
Original Articles

Individualised nursing interventions: a literature review

Maria Antónia Rebelo Botelho
Professora Coordenadora, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, PhD, MSc, RN
César Fonseca
Enfermeiro, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte – Hospital Pulido Valente, PhD, MSc, RN
Riita Suhonen
Professora, Universidade de Turku – Departamento de Ciências de Enfermagem, PhD, RN
Marta Lima Basto
Professora Coordenadora aposentada, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, PhD, MSc, RN
Ana Ramos
Enfermeira, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte – Hospital Pulido Valente, MSc, RN

Published 2015-08-22


  • Individualized care,
  • Nursing intervention,
  • Outcomes

How to Cite

Rebelo Botelho, M. A., Fonseca, C., Suhonen, R., Lima Basto, M., & Ramos, A. (2015). Individualised nursing interventions: a literature review. Pensar Enfermagem, 19(1), 47–61. https://doi.org/10.56732/pensarenf.v19i1.103


The literature shows us that individualised nursing interventions are in need of in depth research in order to better describe interventions and their respective outcomes. This review sought to identify the interventions that positively affect adults (≥ 45 years) in different contexts. Full-text articles in CINAHL and MEDLINE databases published between 2005 and 2013 were identified. After a two-stage retrieval process of 764 articles, eighteen were selected. Their analysis identified: programmed supportive educational interventions, monitoring, and hand massage as the highest valued. The following patient-perceived outcomes were identified: feeling accepted; feeling respected and supported; elevated ability of self-care; and a decreased informal caregivers’ burden. Documentation of individualised interventions and their outcomes will increase the visibility of high-quality nursing practice. Health care teams should then recognise the professional value of individualised care, and better prioritise interventions.


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