Vol. 24 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Nursing Pensar Enfermagem
Original Articles

Reciprocal management of emotions and information in child and family care: nursing intervention algorithm proposal

Liliana Martinho
Enfermeira Especialista, Mestrado em Enfermagem na área de especialização em enfermagem de saúde infantil e pediatria, Centro Hospitalar do Oeste – Unidade de Torres Vedras; Serviço de Pediatria.
Paula Diogo
Professor Adjunto, Doutoramento em Enfermagem, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa; Departamento de Enfermagem da Criança e do Jovem; Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Enfermagem

Published 2020-09-29


  • child,
  • family,
  • pediatric nursing,
  • emotions,
  • information management

How to Cite

Martinho, L., & Diogo, P. (2020). Reciprocal management of emotions and information in child and family care: nursing intervention algorithm proposal. Pensar Enfermagem, 24(1), 7–15. https://doi.org/10.56732/pensarenf.v24i1.165


The experience of hospitalization which the child and his family live can trigger disturbing emotional states that impede understanding and assimilation of the information provided, in turn, insufficient information may also lead to a lack of control and negative emotionality. Considering the reflection on the practice supported by scientific evidence, this proposal for an algorithm for nursing intervention emerged. This one algorithm intends to make effective contributions to the everyday practice of nurses. It is intended that its quick and structuring consultation is directed to the nursing intervention for reciprocal management of emotions and information in approaching the child and family. Your development was based on dominant theoretical conceptions such as the Betty Neuman systems model, the Jean Watson’s theory of care, and specific guidelines of the pediatric care, such as family centered care, care partnership, non-traumatic care and the model of emotional work in pediatric nursing. The algorithm was systematically used in different care situations and in different pediatric contexts, namely in surgical hospitalization and pediatric emergency, which allowed its improvement as a nursing instrument. Through this, it is possible to identify potentially intense emotional experiences and negative emotional responses, selecting and adapting the nursing strategies to the singularity of the pediatric client. 


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