Vol. 24 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Nursing Pensar Enfermagem
Original Articles

Dependency on patients who underwent hip surgery: a descriptive study in an orthopaedic unit

Carla Vilas Boas
Enfermeira; Licenciatura em Enfermagem, Serviço de Ortopedia do Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, EPE
António Ramalho Mostardinha
Enfermeiro; Mestre em Saúde Pública; Doutoramento em Educação; Centro de Investigação em Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de Formadores (CIDTFF), Departamento de Educação e Psicologia da Universidade de Aveiro; Serviço de Ortopedia do Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, EPE
Carlos Quitério
Enfermeiro especialista em Médico-Cirúrgica; Mestre em Enfermagem Médico Cirúrgica; Serviço de Ortopedia do Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, EPE
Teresa Lopes
Enfermeira especialista em Reabilitação; Pós-Licenciatura de Especialização em Enfermagem de Reabilitação; Serviço de Ortopedia do Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, EPE

Published 2021-07-15


  • Scale,
  • Psychological stress,
  • Parents,
  • Newborn,
  • Neonatology

How to Cite

Vilas Boas, C., Ramalho Mostardinha, A., Quitério, C., & Lopes, T. (2021). Dependency on patients who underwent hip surgery: a descriptive study in an orthopaedic unit. Pensar Enfermagem, 24(2), 17–28. https://doi.org/10.56732/pensarenf.v24i2.171


Introduction: Ones dependency is influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors, being hip surgery an example, presenting an impact in autonomy and engagement on activities of daily living. Aim: To describe the relation between the level of dependence with the motive/type of surgery with sociodemographic and health related variables and with the risk of development of pressure ulcer (PU) and nutritional risk in patients who underwent to hip surgery (traumatology or elective surgery). Methodologies: Cross-sectional study was performed on a convenience sample of 98 patients (71.1±10.6 years old and 53.1% women), who underwent to hip
surgery in a public hospital from Lisboa and Vale do Tejo region. Data collection was completed through a questionnaire composed by sociodemographic, health and surgery related variables. Pearson and Point-Bisserial Correlations were computed to assess relations between these variables. To evaluate dependence predictors, hierarchical multiple regression models were performed. Results: The level of dependence is positive associated with PU risk development (r= 0,786) and nutritional risk (r=0,584). Additionally, age (β= -0,248; t=-3,940; p<0,001) and PU risk development (β= 0,593; t=7,937; p<0,001) and predictors for one’s level of dependence. Conclusion: The results shown that UP risk development and aging are predictors of dependence levels. However, the association between the surgery motive (traumatology, elective) with dependence level, UP risk development and nutritional risk should not be disregarded.


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