Vol. 28 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Nursing Pensar Enfermagem
Original Articles

The preoperative nursing consultation: constraints and suggestions for operationalisation - a qualitative study

Paula Relvas Pedro
PhD student, Master. Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) | Faculty of Health Sciences and Nursing, Lisbon. RN, Coimbra Local Health Unit, E.P.E., Coimbra, Portugal
Maria da Nazaré Ribeiro Cerejo
Master. The Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA:E), Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), Coimbra. Portugal Centre for Evidence-Based Practice: A JBI Centre of Excellence, Coimbra, Portugal
Adriana Raquel Neves Coelho
PhD. The Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E), Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), Coimbra. Portugal Centre for Evidence-Based Practice: A JBI Centre of Excellence, Coimbra, Portugal

Published 2024-04-03


  • Qualitative Research,
  • Preoperative Period,
  • Nursing Consultation,
  • Preoperative Care

How to Cite

Pedro, P. R., Cerejo, M. da N. R., & Coelho, A. R. N. (2024). The preoperative nursing consultation: constraints and suggestions for operationalisation - a qualitative study. Pensar Enfermagem, 28(1), 33–42. https://doi.org/10.56732/pensarenf.v28i1.289


The preoperative nursing consultation can be seen as a privileged moment for transmitting information to the person in a perioperative situation, to better prepare them for surgery and promote their collaboration in perioperative care. As this procedure is not carried out regularly, it is therefore important to carry out research into the reasons why it is not done.

To learn about the constraints to the operationalisation of the preoperative nursing consultation, through the perception of operating theatre nurses, as well as to identify their suggestions for overcoming the constraints, and to analyse the strategies pointed out by the nurses to prioritise this consultation.

An exploratory, descriptive study of a qualitative nature. Data collection: focus group interview using a semi-structured interview script, supplemented at the end with an individual questionnaire containing socio-professional data and two open questions. Participants: purposive sample - three groups of nurses from three operating theatres in a central hospital in central Portugal. Content analysis was carried out according to Bardin's framework. The study considered ethical principles and scientific integrity.

It was possible to identify the constraints pointed out by the nurses: methodology for operationalisation, still undefined; shortage of available time; late bed allocation; compromised privacy when carrying out the consultation; lack of recognition by hierarchical structures; difficulties in adequate physical space; unpredictable prolongation of intraoperative activities; distant residence of the person in a perioperative situation, and deficient human resources. The following suggestions/strategies were identified to overcome the constraints: allocation of more human resources; appropriate physical space; the need for greater interdisciplinary coordination and to create visibility.

The preoperative nursing consultation is an autonomous procedure that nurses are motivated to make operational, overcoming the constraints they point out and prioritising their suggestions.


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