Theoretical Articles - Specific Guidelines
Theoretical article structure and recommendations
Do not include any identifying information about the author(s) in the manuscript. Do not include acknowledgments until the article is accepted.
- Title in Portuguese and English
It should be a concise description of the study nature and topic. It may identify whether it is a theoretical reflection article, a methodological article, an experience report, or critical review of works.
- Abstract
Summarize the key elements of the study, using the following format:
Structure: Introduction, Objective, Methods (if applicable), Development, Conclusion. With a maximum limit of 300 words.
The abstract should provide the context or basis for the study and should state its purpose, basic methodological procedures (if applicable), development and main conclusions. It should not include bibliographical references.
- Keywords
A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6, mostly validated in browsers of Mesh and DeCs indexing terms.
- Introduction
It should clearly provide a context or basis for the study (i.e., the nature of the problem and its relevance). The topic must be relevant and current. When presenting the problem, offer a critical perspective allowing for new elements of theoretical discussion. It is important to highlight the relationship established with previous works on the same subject, using relevant and current bibliographic references.
Give preference to the use of primary sources from the last 5 years. Only key references should be cited and no data or conclusions from the reported work should be included.
It should include the purpose for developing the article in narrative form, justifying the nature of the work and its problematization.
- Method (if applicable)
This section should be clear, showing the reason for the methodological options that were followed. Describe the contextual factors evident in the study. Identify any specific ethical issues associated with this topic.
- Development
The conceptual or theoretical framework that guided the study should be presented and developed. Identify and define the main concepts and clarify the relationship between them. Relevant fundamental theoretical and empirical literature should be referenced (preferably primary sources and from the last 5 years).
Argue and interpret the state of the art of a given subject, focusing on the concept or theoretical construct. The main lines of argument should follow a coherent direction and be supported by clearly defined logical reasoning. The discourse should be formulated in detail, with the theoretical and/or philosophical grounds of the specific topic, involving critical reflection and questioning of existing ways of thinking and acting, through analogies and the analysis of different theoretical and/or practical points of view, vis-à-vis the debated thought.
Identify the ethical and legal issues present in the issue under discussion, if applicable.
Sources of opinions must be clearly identified and have legitimacy in the area of expertise in order to maintain the validity, reliability, and accuracy of the article.
New and important aspects of the article should be emphasized and analyzed in relation to previous research (if applicable).
Use subheadings as appropriate.
Tables/figures (maximum 6) must be referenced in the text.
- Conclusion
Link the conclusions to the study objectives, summarize the main points of the argument, and set out recommendations for practice/research/education/management, as appropriate, and in line with the limitations.
State the limitations of your study.
Submission: The article should be submitted together with the checklist for proposals for articles of a theoretical nature, available for consultation in the file Theoretical Article Checklist.