Vol. 13 No. 1 (2009): Journal of Nursing Pensar Enfermagem
Original Articles

Tradução e validação do Consequences of Care Index: um instrumento de avaliação do risco de sobrecarga do familiar cuidados*

Catarina Isabel dos Reis Silva Garcia
Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação do Alcoitão: Unidade de Lesões Vértebro-Medulares

Published 2009-07-01


  • caregiver,
  • caregiver burden,
  • psychometric properties,
  • methodological research

How to Cite

dos Reis Silva Garcia, C. I. . (2009). Tradução e validação do Consequences of Care Index: um instrumento de avaliação do risco de sobrecarga do familiar cuidados*. Pensar Enfermagem, 13(1), 39–48. https://doi.org/10.56732/pensarenf.v13i1.24


This research article is about one of the greatest nursing concerns: evaluating the caregiver’s burden or the stress derived from family care giving of dependent individuals. Due to the increase of the life expectancy (impact of the ageing of the population), predominance and appearance of chronic illnesses (change in the profile of pathologies), appearance of new therapeutic measures, there’s an increase in the number of dependent people in need for help or supervision in the basic or instrumental activities of the daily living, oftenly demanding the presence of a family caregiver.

Facing a continuous exposure to an assembly of negative factors the family caregiver will show, in time, financial, social, emotional, and physical burden.

One of the most known instruments to determinate the risk of caregiver burden is Kosberg’s Consequences of Care Index (CCI). The presented work consisted of a methodological study and had the main goal to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of a translated and adapted version of the CCI into Portuguese. The objectives of this work are: translation and adaptation of the CCI into Portuguese language and evaluation of its psychometric characteristics.

We used the SPSS program (13th version). Initially, the data were explored through descriptive statistics, namely measures of central tendency and dispersion and secondly we analyzed each of the dimensions of the CCI, using the SPSS applications to build news
variables. The translated version of the CCI, named ICPC (Portuguese initials) showed to be a valid instrument to evaluate the social, emotional, physical and financial burden of caregivers and it has been well accepted by the participants.

In this study, it has been shown the ICPC’s reliability and the instrument has revealed a good internal consistency in all its subscales, meaning that each sub-scale includes a number of interrelated questions specifically evaluating dimensions of the social, emotional, physical and financial caregiver’s burden.


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