Vol. 16 No. 2 (2012): Journal of Nursing Pensar Enfermagem
Original Articles

Training models in nursing and curricular development: Transition towards a new teacher’s professionalism

Maria de Guadalupe Mestrinho
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa

Published 2012-12-30


  • training models in use,
  • transition,
  • training in nursing education,
  • applicationist and constructivist training logics

How to Cite

Mestrinho, M. de G. (2012). Training models in nursing and curricular development: Transition towards a new teacher’s professionalism. Pensar Enfermagem, 16(2), 2–30. https://doi.org/10.56732/pensarenf.v16i2.69


This paper, which is part of a research project about teaching professionalism and the competencies of nursing teachers, formed the basis of a presentation at the 11th Iberoamerican Conference on Nursing Education of the ALADEFE2. It seeks to analyze how changes in higher education and in the teaching of nursing are reflected in the conceptions of teaching and pedagogical practices and how teacher reference frameworks influence the training models in use in nursing education.

This is an interpretive study that uses a mainly qualitative methodology and an inductive analysis of semi-structured interviews (with twenty coordinating professors and eight assistant professors), which also involved observation of a sub-group of four professors, within a perspective involving a critical and interpretative perspective of reality (Denzin and Lincoln,1994; Morse, 2005; Creswell, 2010; Minayo, 2010). The results show a diversity of guiding models for pedagogical practices, ranging from teaching paradigms of a transmissive nature to self-regulated learning. The paradigm shift in conceptions, nursing practices and teaching has enabled two training logics to be identified: an applicationist logic and a constructivist logic, which indicates a transition in the training models
towards others based on a paradigm inspired by the complex reality of professional nursing and teaching.


2 11th Iberoamerican Conference, 3rd Latin American-European Meeting and 4th Research Symposium on Nursing Education of


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